Offer new shipping solutions by adding custom, advanced rules-based shipping rates to your store, allowing you charge tailored amounts based on conditions like shipping region, ZIP/Postcode, products, orders, customer group, order weight and more.
Add shipping rates that trigger on specific conditions
Rates can be flexibly priced - flat fee, per-Item, per-kilo and/or percentage-based
Completely control and configure the price, name and number of your region-based rates
You can offer multiple rates at once, restrict to just one or even 'bundle' rates together in groups
Exclude certain products from consideration
Limit rates to certain customer groups, regions ZIP/Postcodes, products and/or order weight
Connect with FedEx and UPS to use live freight quotes as shipping prices
Use your Shippo account to offer live rates from Shippo at checkout
Full support and customisation available for all customers.
14 days
March 4, 2025
14 days
March 4, 2025
Simple Setup, Complete Control
Once the shipping method is enabled, it can be configured within the app dahsboard and does not affect other shipping methods. curate your own set of zones and regions or use our pre-set global list.
Ship your Way
Enhance your shipping with unique flat-rates based on shipping region, total order value and/or customer groups.
Set Tailored Rates
Your rates can charge a flat fee, a per-item rate, a per-kilogram rate or a percentage of the order total.
Use Conditional Rules
You can optionally set your rates to display based on any combination of:
Order weight
Order cost
Shipping Region
Products in cart (SKU exclude and include)
ZIP/post code
Current Date
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