By using our App you can connect your BigCommerce store to your Profit administration in a quick and easy way.
Our App provides the following:
Products | Profit > BigCommerce
Product creation based on articles.
Periodical updates of product data (name, images, description, stock, price, etc.).
Certain (sub)article types are included in product synchronization.
Option to initiate a full product sync.
Option to exclude fields during product updates (e.g. article groups).
Deactivation of products for blocked articles.
Product categories | Profit > BigCommerce
Product category creation based on article groups.
(Un)assignment of products to product categories.
Name updates.
Orders | BigCommerce > Profit
Creation of sales relations of kind 'Person' in Profit for BigCommerce customers.
Delivery address creation.
Order synchronization (orders with the awaiting fulfillment status will be created as sales orders in Profit).
Subscription creation for digital products.
Customer (address) updates will be processed on the corresponding sales relation.
Configuration of the desired shipment source.
Profit > BigCommerce: creation of (partial) shipments based for 'Reported ready' packing slips.
BigCommerce > Profit: creation of 'Reported ready' packing slips for partial or complete shipments in BigCommerce.
Profit > BigCommerce: creation of (partial) refunds based on credited invoices.
Custom set-up fee, $70 monthly
May 22, 2023
This app may not be fully compatible with multi-storefront. Please get in touch with the technical partner for further details.
Custom set-up fee, $70 monthly
May 22, 2023
This app may not be fully compatible with multi-storefront. Please get in touch with the technical partner for further details.
Products & product categories
Articles in AFAS Profit will be synchronized to your BigCommerce store. Full syncs can be initialized.
Article groups linked to synchronized articles will be created as product categories or updated.
Sales relations of kind 'Person' will be created when an order with the status 'Awaiting Fulfillment' has been placed in your BigCommerce store. The created sales relation will then be linked to the BigCommerce customer. Eventual new delivery addresses will be created under the sales relation. Subscriptions will be created for digital order products.
Customer details and customer addresses will be updated on the corresponding sales relation.
Order handling: shipments and refunds
The shipment source can be configured.
Either packing slips will be retrieved and created as (partial) shipments or (partial) shipments will be created as packing slips in AFAS Profit.
Credited invoices will be retrieved and created as (partial) refunds.
Payment method mappings.
Tax class mappings.
Shipping costs article.
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