About the App

Allows customers to submit quotes that you can approve or disapprove. You can manage discounts, customize the display settings, and apply discounts to each product individually, or all at once.



Upfront Fee:


Recurring Fee:



Last Updated:

October 4, 2022

Compatible with:

Multi Storefront


User Guide
Contact Partner


Upfront Fee:


Recurring Fee:



Last Updated:

October 4, 2022

Compatible with:

Multi Storefront


User Guide
Contact Partner

App Features

Customizable Request a Quote Button

Add a Request-a-Quote button to the cart and checkout page; you can customize the button name.

Manage Quotes with Ease

In the Request a Quote app, you can easily set a discount for your quotes.

  • Per Item Discount: set discounts for each product on the list separately.

  • Total Discount: set a discount for all the products on the list at once.

  • Fixed Price: enter a fixed unit price.

  • Percentage Discount: set a percentage-based discount for products.

Target a Specific Customer Group

In General Settings, you can target a custom customer group that you have created in BC Admin. Additionally, you can set the button to display for guest customers, registered customers, or both.

Cart Total Price Conditions

With Cart Total Price Condition, you can set a minimum and maximum price condition that must be satisfied to display the Request-a-Quote option for your customers.

Customer Reviews

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