Improve Your B2B Quotes with Custom Shipping Methods

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On-time, accurate shipments are the foundation for many online stores, increasing customer satisfaction and the likelihood of return business. 

With that in mind, BigCommerce is proud to announce that you can now create order shipments directly within the BigCommerce mobile app, allowing you to keep up with incoming orders on the go and right at your fingertips.

Powerful shipping capabilities

You can access the create shipments feature in the order details screen, where you will see a new Ship button above any set of unshipped products.

Mobile App Shipments

Simply tap this button to:

  • Create shipments for multiple addresses

  • Edit the shipping method

  • Choose a shipping carrier and sort order for the visible carriers list

  • Enter tracking numbers for each shipment manually or with a barcode scanner

  • Scan products using a barcode scanner to confirm exact product matches and add quantities to the shipment

  • Automatically update the order status once the shipment has been created.

Note that shipments can only be created within the app after at least one (1) product has been added and a shipping carrier has been selected.

Getting started

If you do not already have the BigCommerce mobile app, you’ll need to download it from the Apple App Store or Google Play. Once you have the app installed, you will need your BigCommerce user email and password to log in. 

If you have Face ID or Touch ID enabled on your device, you will be able to use that method after your initial log-in, or choose to create a passkey.

The final word

For more information on creating shipments in the mobile app, see our article on the BigCommerce Mobile App in the Help Center.

Take control of your shipments on the go with the BigCommerce mobile app today!