Oklahoma Embroidery Supply and Design Stitches a Superior Customer Journey with BigCommerce

Discover how customizable, cost-effective and reliable BigCommerce is and why we built it that way.

OESD Laptop mockup


days to launch




increase in conversions from search usage

Threading the needle of a thriving brand.

Oklahoma Embroidery Supply and Design (OESD) got its start back in 1987 as a family-owned business catering to embroiderers and crafters. In the late 90s, the internet was on the rise, and OESD seized the opportunity to merge the up-and-coming digital-first landscape with home embroidery. By offering downloadable embroidery designs, the brand quickly became the go-to shop for at-home crafters nationwide.

Today, OESD boasts an extensive range of physical products and digital files to meet the needs of any embroiderer.

As a brand fully dedicated to exceeding customer expectations, OESD has positioned itself as a premier destination for at-home crafters. However, to effectively meet the ever-changing needs of its shoppers, OESD knew it needed to modernize its online user experience.


Crafting a modernized customer experience.

As a creative business, it’s essential for OESD to offer an online experience that reflects its brand identity through both site design and user experience. However, despite years of having an online store, the brand has consistently struggled to convey this effectively.

“OESD has had a bunch of different styles over the years. For a long time, we’ve wanted to modernize our website and the experience we provide shoppers,” explained Rebecca Benedict, Digital Marketing Specialist at OESD.

While OESD was able to use its creative expertise to design new branding and materials, it needed additional support to bring the customer experience it envisioned to life.

With the help of agency partner IntuitSolutions and technology partner Klevu, OESD was on its way to achieving its ecommerce vision.

“We’ve made a lot of modernized improvements and cool upgrades in our overall brand, product packaging, and marketing materials,” said Benedict. “We then called in the experts for the technical aspect to not only make things function properly but make the customer experience fun, informative, and seamless.”

“OESD has had a bunch of different styles over the years. For a long time, we’ve wanted to modernize our website and the experience we provide shoppers.”

Rebecca Benedict, Digital Marketing Specialist, Oklahoma Embroidery Supply and Design


Redesigning key features.

While updating OESD’s site, IntuitSolutions saw the opportunity to optimize the homepage and navigation for both the customer experience and the internal OESD team.

To help customers find items more efficiently, the agency redesigned how product categories are displayed on the homepage as well as made navigation updates to category pages.

IntuitSolutions knew OESD wanted the power to update the navigation and homepage to reflect any product updates. This led them to build a page widget customization that allows the brand to quickly make edits on the fly without disrupting the site’s SEO value.

“We wanted to make sure the OESD team was able to update the homepage on their own without needing a developer on standby while still having the site optimized for SEO,” explained Josh Sperling, Senior Digital Project Manager at IntuitSolutions. “BigCommerce’s ease of use allowed us to create a page widget customization as well as make specific updates on category pages that improve customer navigation and let the OESD team make changes as needed.”

Offering tailored product recommendations.

To further improve the customer experience, OESD partnered with Klevu to create personalized shopping experiences for customers.

With Klevu’s AI machine learning, products are strategically merchandised for each shopper based on their browsing history, saving them time when it comes to searching for items.

“We are really excited about Klevu’s machine learning aspect because we’ve always wanted to create a personalized customer experience,” remarked Benedict. “Knowing that Klevu’s AI is showing a particular customer exactly what they would be most interested in is a game-changer. We don’t have to guess anymore.”

With Klevu, OESD even has the power to modify the type of products presented to shoppers based on brand or current promotions.

“The OESD internal team can go in and modify those results, such as if they want them all from the same brand or to promote an in-house brand,” explained Dave Hubartt, Solutions and Implementation Lead at Klevu.

Seamlessly showcasing promotional items.

In addition to personalized product recommendations, Klevu enables OESD to promote different items by adding banners or callouts directly to the search bar.

“If someone is searching for Christmas items and a lot of results come up, we can display a banner that lets them click into the Christmas category, where they can view everything,” explained Benedict.

This helps increase the visibility of on-sale or seasonal products, encouraging more shoppers to browse and purchase these items.

“This feature gives you control over doing different promotions. If items go on sale or are seasonal, you can easily promote them,” said Hubarrt.

Learning from consumer interactions.

While Klevu provides several features to enhance the front-end customer experience, its backend analytics dashboard allows the OESD team to learn from consumer behaviors and find new ways to improve the user journey.

“Another cool thing is the analytics behind all the data we're constantly collecting on the website. We see the top search terms and the ones that return no results, showing us where we have holes in our catalog or good suggestions for new designs to make,” remarked Benedict.

Access to this data has allowed OESD to implement new strategies that better cater to shoppers, further optimizing the user experience.

“It's all informative for us as we optimize the site. As we're going forward in business and deciding what to make next, it's a really valuable tool that we've enjoyed jumping into over the past several months since we've been Klevu folks,” said Benedict.

“BigCommerce’s ease of use allowed us to create a page widget customization as well as make specific updates on category pages that improve customer navigation and let the OESD team make changes as needed.”

Josh Sperling, Senior Digital Project Manager, IntuitSolutions

“Knowing that Klevu’s AI is showing a particular customer exactly what they would be most interested in is a game-changer. We don’t have to guess anymore.”

Rebecca Benedict, Digital Marketing Specialist, Oklahoma Embroidery Supply and Design

OESD Tablet mockup


Sewing up satisfaction for customers and team members.

With BigCommerce, OESD has the freedom to integrate new features and world-class technology to build a top-tier customer journey.

“Improving the customer experience has been a collaboration between all of us — BigCommerce, Klevu, OESD, and IntuitSolutions. Hearing feedback from OESD’s customers shows we’re making the right improvements. We also continue to make improvements and find ways to add Klevu services onto the site to make things look better,” explained Sperling.

Since launching the redesigned site, OESD has significantly boosted customer satisfaction. In fact, the brand has seen a 20% increase in conversions as a result of integrating Klevu. The different updates also allow the team to make changes to the site more easily, increasing backend efficiency and eliminating the need for a developer — saving them money.

“Now, I always have the ability to make changes on the fly and implement fun things into the site that help our customers,” remarked Benedict.

“Improving the customer experience has been a collaboration between all of us — BigCommerce, Klevu, OESD, and IntuitSolutions. Hearing feedback from OESD’s customers shows we’re making the right improvements.”

Josh Sperling, Senior Digital Project Manager, IntuitSolutions


Enhancing the UX one stitch at a time.

As OESD looks to further enhance its customer journey, the brand plans to continue working with IntuitSolutions and Klevu to implement new strategies that optimize the online shopping experience.

“With BigCommerce and Klevu’s ease of use, we can create whatever OESD needs to improve the user experience. There’s been a lot of communication between the three of us to make the customer experience as best as possible,” explained Sperling.

OESD knows that with the help of BigCommerce, Klevu, and IntuitSolutions, it has the power to implement any tools necessary to ensure its site exceeds shopper expectations.

“We're very fortunate to work with BigCommerce, Klevu, and IntuitSolutions. These resources help make the site as great as possible and make our company successful through our ecommerce,” remarked Benedict.

“We're very fortunate to work with BigCommerce, Klevu, and IntuitSolutions. These resources help make the site as great as possible and make our company successful through our ecommerce.”

Rebecca Benedict, Digital Marketing Specialist, Oklahoma Embroidery Supply and Design

Published: October 2024

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